The DRC recognizes diversity as an integral part of the campus community. Originally created to provide academic accommodations to meet ADA compliance, we’ve transformed—as the needs of our students have changed—into an office that provides resources to support students holistically in their college experience.
Your support will further our mission of ensuring equitable and meaningful access to campus programs and promoting more welcoming and inclusively-designed environments.
Ways to Give:
- Give online using our secure online giving form. To make a donation to the Disability Resource Center please visit the secure UCSC Online Giving Designations website. On that page homepage please click the “Click here to select a Gift Designation” button, scroll down to the Student Life category, and select the Disability Resource Center.
- If you would like to contribute to the End-of-Year Celebration / Graduation Event, Learning Evaluation Grants, and/or Personal Aid and Service Accommodations, please indicate so in the “notes or special instructions for your gift” box.
- If you would like to contribute directly to the Disability Resource Center, use this link.
- Any and all gifts are greatly appreciated.
- Securities: Stocks, bonds, and mutual funds can be assigned to the UCSC Foundation and directed to the Disability Resource Center
- Planned gifts: Cash, securities, or other assets can be designated for the Disability Resource Center through the UC Santa Cruz Foundation in your estate planning. Call (831) 459-5227 for details.
End-of-Year Celebration / Graduation Event

Many within the disability community recognize disability as a part of their identity. The DRC is an important part of promoting and celebrating cultural diversity much like the ethnic resource centers (ERCs) on campus. The DRC does not receive funding for identity programming throughout the year and so we are limited in the events we provide for our student disability communities on campus. An end of year graduation celebration will help us ensure that students are recognized for their achievements and contributions to the campus community. Please help us provide the recognition and celebration that will demonstrate the commitment we have as a community to celebrate disability as an important part of diversity and inclusion at UC Santa Cruz. We can celebrate one student for every $10 donated to this project.
Learning Evaluation Grants

Many students only begin to notice disability-related barriers upon entering college. For some, previous academic strategies may not work well in the college setting, while for others, new conditions may emerge during their time at a university. Learning evaluations determine if there is a diagnosis or learning disability that impacts a students ability to access their education. The assessments are generally funded by a student’s health insurance and can cost upwards of $1,000, with an average $500 in out of pocket expenses. This can be a significant financial burden for most students. Donations to this project will provide Financial Aid grants to students who are otherwise ineligible for other financial assistance.
Personal Aids and Service Accommodations

Federal and state law require elementary and secondary schools to provide services and aids for students with disabilities to ensure they are provided free, appropriate public education. Once a student graduates from a high school program (or equivalent), however, educational institutions are no longer required to provide personal aids, devices, or services. Purchasing these devices and services are the responsibility of the student who has a disability and not of the institution, leaving a gap in access for students who have financial barriers to receiving personal accommodations. Donations to this project will provide Financial Aid grants to students who require financial assistance.