In order to receive exam accommodations, students must first be affiliated with the DRC and they must submit their Academic Access (AA) Letter for use of their accommodations each quarter. Once approved for exam accommodations, course faculty will advise the student on how they intend to provide those accommodations. Exam accommodations can be supported directly by the course faculty, by a departmental or divisional exams coordinator or center, by the DRC Testing Center or a combination of the above. Faculty have primary discretion over how exam accommodations are implemented in their courses. Students with questions about the location of their exams should contact their instructors directly for clarification.
Some exam accommodations require time to coordinate, and departmental or divisional exams coordinators or centers may have additional deadlines for coordinating accommodations for exams. After requesting their AA Letters, students should reach out to their faculty to confirm the location of their accommodated exams and clarify any necessary steps they need to take in coordinating their exam accommodations. It is highly advised that students request their AA Letters as early as possible in the quarter, in order to provide ample time for accommodated exam coordination.
Students have access to a variety of resources for their exam accommodations, with their Accommodation Specialist being a great starting point for any questions or concerns. If students have any questions about exam accommodations or the DRC Testing Center, they are welcome to book a quick appointment with one of our staff members here: DRC Testing Center Student Appointment Booking.
DRC Testing Center
The DRC Testing Center provides support for all exam accommodations across divisions on a first-come, first-served basis. Students are encouraged to coordinate with their faculty to determine where their exams will take place. If faculty directs students to utilize the DRC Testing Center for their accommodated exams, students must reserve their test room through AIM at least five business days before the exam date. For the best chance of securing support, the Exam Support Services team strongly advises students to schedule their exams as early as possible in the quarter.
In order for students to book a test room at the DRC Testing Center, their faculty member must first complete the required Exam Information Form. If students cannot find their course exams listed in AIM, it may be for one of the following reasons:
- The instructor has not yet submitted the Exam Information Form.
- The instructor has opted out of using the DRC Testing Center, and exam accommodations will be provided elsewhere.
- The instructor has indicated that there are no timed assessments in the course.
Students with questions about how their accommodated exams will be supported should reach out directly to their instructor for clarification. It is the student’s responsibility to identify any conflicts with their testing window. If a conflict with an exam scheduled at the DRC Testing Center arises, students may request a modification to their exam booking through AIM. If course instructors have indicated that they allow modifications to the exam time, and if the DRC Testing Center has the necessary resources to support an alternate exam time, Exam Support Services staff will approve the modification request. For extenuating circumstances that have not been approved, students may reach out to their instructor and Accommodation Specialists for further assistance.
Although Exam Support Services works to support last minute requests whenever possible, requests made under stated deadlines cannot be guaranteed due to resource constraints. For students with the associated accommodations, exams scheduled at the DRC Testing Center will automatically have scribes, readers, and/or assistive technology assigned to test room bookings.
Once a booking has been approved, students will receive a confirmation email from AIM and a reminder email as the exam date gets closer. The most up-to-date information about student bookings can be found in AIM at any time. Students should closely review their exam start time and location, as these may differ from the main class.
Testing Day at the DRC Testing Center
Students should arrive at the Testing Center office at least 15 minutes in advance of their exam start time with their student ID and all necessary testing materials. Please refer to the Exam Support Services module in AIM for details on the exam time, and note that the start time may be different from the main class start time. If the student arrives after the grace period set by course faculty, the exam may need to be canceled and rescheduled with their faculty member.
After the proctor has checked the student in, they will confirm the student’s testing information and instruct them on where to store their cell phone and belongings, except for those approved testing materials. The student will be directed to their testing station and will begin their exam when the proctor instructs them to do so.
Students may go to the proctor to ask questions about the exam, but proctors are not allowed to answer questions about the exam themselves. The proctor will connect with the student’s professor or TA, and relay their questions to them directly. Students can ask their proctor for specific time warnings or inquire about how much time is left in their exam at any time. If the student needs to use the restroom or get a glass of water, they should inform their proctor. All testing and non-testing materials will be left in the testing room. If the student leaves the testing room without prior approval from the proctor, their exam will be considered complete, and no further corrections or continuation will be permitted.
If there are any questions or concerns with the testing environment, such as any distractions or accessibility barriers, students should let their proctor or a staff member know promptly. Exam Support Services staff cannot approve new accommodations, but there might be changes we can make to the testing environment. If students have questions or concerns about their accommodations, they should contact their Accommodation Specialist after the exam.
Once the student has completed their exam they will return it to the proctor. The proctor will confirm with the student that they are finished and will sign them out. Once the exam is completed it will be uploaded to the student’s faculty member and submitted using AIM.
Accommodated Exams Outside the DRC Testing Center
If exams will be administered outside of the DRC Testing Center, students should proactively confirm with their faculty member if any steps are required to coordinate their accommodations and determine how their exams will be scheduled. Certain accommodations, such as extended time or alternate testing spaces, require advance coordination and may have specific deadlines. Students should not assume that accommodations are automatically arranged; instead, students should confirm with their course faculty how and where the necessary exam accommodations will be provided. While faculty will make every effort to accommodate last-minute requests, these cannot be guaranteed due to resource constraints. If students have questions or concerns about receiving their exam accommodations, they should contact their Accommodation Specialist.
For exams taking place outside of the DRC Testing Center that require assistive technology or a specialized exam assistant Scribe or Reader, an Assistive Technology & Exam Assistant Request Form should be completed at least 5 business days prior to the scheduled exam. Be sure to discuss with your faculty member who will be responsible for initiating these requests.
Unless otherwise requested, each approved exam accommodation should be delivered in a timely manner, regardless of where the exam is taking place. Students can waive the use of select exam accommodations by communicating directly with their course faculty.
If there are any questions or concerns with the testing environment, such as any distractions or accessibility barriers, students should let their proctor know promptly. If students have questions or concerns about their accommodations, they should contact their Accommodation Specialist after the exam.