Exam Support Information for Faculty

DRC Exam Support Services provides assistance with various exam accommodations for their courses. However, please note that due to space constraints, the DRC Testing Center is unable to support all exam accommodations.

If a faculty member is looking for assistance in navigating Accommodate or has any general questions about the DRC Testing Center, they are welcome to book a quick appointment with one of our staff members here: DRC Testing Center Faculty Appointment Booking.

Important Information

  • While multiple students may request time at the Testing Center for the same class, they are not necessarily testing at the same time. Each booking request must be reviewed and acknowledged by the faculty member, however, they are only required to upload the exam one time and can simply select the exam from a drop down menu going forward.
  • We extend our hours for both midterm and final exams, but we cannot guarantee that exams proctored by the Testing Center will align with the in-class exam. 
  • Due to the great number of exams the Testing Center oversees, its staff is unable to physically deliver completed exams to the departments. Completed exams will be uploaded to Accommodate and they can be accessed there. The Testing Center will retain completed exams until the start of the next quarter. If the faculty member would like to pick up students’ completed exams, please contact the Testing Center directly.
  • If a student misses their exam, they are able to reschedule the exam with the DRC Testing Center at the faculty member’s request. However, availability at the DRC Testing Center cannot be guaranteed.

How Faculty Can Ensure a Equitable Testing Experience for Students with Disabilities

As educators, it is important to ensure that all students have an equitable testing experience. This is especially crucial for students with disabilities, who may require specific accommodations in order to demonstrate their knowledge and abilities on exams. In this material, we will explore various strategies that faculty can use to ensure that students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to succeed on exams. From providing accurate exam dates in advance to offering alternative exam formats, these strategies will help to create a fair and inclusive testing environment for all students.

Provide accurate exam dates in advance.

Discuss with students how pop quizzes might be handled. DRC staff can assist with options that will meet their learning outcomes

Provide exams in a timely fashion.

All exams & testing instructions should be provided to the Testing Center as far in advance as possible. Accommodate will be used to upload these. This ensures that DRC students are able to start their exams on time, without delays caused by retrieving exams at the last minute. If changes are made after uploading an exam, please notify the Testing Center immediately to ensure the student has the correct version of the exam. Please note that the DRC Testing Center does not receive exams via email, nor will DRC staff pick up exams from the classroom

Provide access to information during exams.

If students in the classroom can ask the professor or TA questions during the exam, DRC students must have the same access during their exams in the Testing Center or other locations. Please provide contact information with instructions in the Faculty Portal.

If a faculty member chooses to have their department proctor the exam:

Faculty may elect to provide the exam accommodation or to have personnel in their department provide the accommodation. Please refer to the student’s Letter of Accommodation to ensure that they receive the adjustment for which they have been approved. If faculty have any questions about exam proctoring, please contact the DRC Testing Center.

If faculty chooses to drop the exam and add the points to a future exam:

Faculty may offer this as an option to students. However, if the student has a documented disability-related need for a make-up exam as verified by the Service Coordinator, then the student has a right to take a make-up exam. The exam may be an alternate exam of the same format and difficulty as the original exam. The faculty member may also choose to administer the same exam and have the student sign an honesty agreement.

Accommodating Disability-Related Absence: Considerations for Make-up Exams and Incomplete Grades

If the student is in good standing in their class at the time of the missed final, faculty can offer the student the option of an incomplete grade to allow them to take a make-up exam when they are well enough to do so. However, faculty cannot require a student to wait a full quarter to take the final exam with another class if the student requests to take the exam earlier. In most cases, if a student has missed an exam due to the impact of their disability, the student will be able to take the exam within days. If this is the case, it would not provide equal access to ask the student to continue to engage with the course material and maintain full preparation to take the exam for another quarter while the student is also engaging with the coursework for their current quarter.

Last modified: Mar 27, 2024